A Perfect World

Hey there! So recently I wrote this for an essay competition, and thought I'd share it with you all!

In our dreams,  anything and everything becomes possible. Imagine, if these dreams become a reality?  Not only could you do all the things you ever wanted, but also do all those you never even fathomed!   If there were no restrictions on resources, If everyone had the opportunity to realize their dreams, we would be living in a perfect world. What if you could take 1 thing from this ‘perfect world’, and put it into our world? What would you choose?

I would choose equality.  No differences between men and women, between the rich and the poor, and between the famous and the unknown. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, who in his concluding speech to the constituent assembly, stated his thoughts clearly: “On the 26th of January, 1950 we are going to enter a life of contradictions. In politics we will have equality and in social and economic life we will have inequality . . . How long shall we continue to live this life of contradictions?”

And 71 years later, we still live in this same world of contradictions. Albeit in a better condition; there is still much more we could improve.

A women may no longer be discriminated at work and is paid on par with men, but she can still be discriminated at home, and may be denied education nor receive similar status.

Money works hand in hand with inequality. It came into existence as a value for goods, but as more people got their hands on more money, it became a value for ranking and categorizing people. It makes people do some really heartless things. Bribery and corruption. Exploitation of the poor and uneducated. Threatening and abuse. All for money.

And then, there also those who are purely lucky. For one person born into a well off family, there would be 10 of whom that were born into a poorer family. The lucky one need not put any effort, yet still be reaping fortunes, whereas those born to poorer families, would be working exponentially more, yet barely earning enough for subsistence.

You say talent should be rewarded? Well yes, for sure, but talent can only get you so far.  A very talented person, living in the most remote corner of the country can blessed with an eagerness to learn, the capacity to act on his knowledge and capability to innovate. But still not be admitted into a university, for he never had standard education. Despite his talent, he was born unequal,  with a disadvantage.

These, and many more, are the reasons why I believe ensuring equality should be a top priority for all countries and people alike. Only when the poorest too feel that it is their country in whose making they have an effective voice; An India where there is no high or low class.

Ignoring the impracticality and all the cons, I think a world government would solve inequality forever. All the countries would be unified; Resources would be plentiful and evenly distributed, enabling development to occur uniformly throughout the entire world; Industries and science would prosper, as politics and international borders assimilate. No longer will your birthplace limit what you are capable of achieving.

So given the chance and the resources, I would definitely strive to make this dream, a reality.

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